Understanding The Legal Landscape Around Bonus Taxation

Scrabble letters spelling 'bonus' on Canadian bills

When used correctly, bonuses are a fantastic way to keep your employees happy and motivated and, as a result, more productive. However, navigating the legal landscape around bonus taxation can be a complex process, to say the least. This is because bonuses come in various forms and all are subject to specific tax regulations.

Why? Well because bonuses, just like overtime pay, commissions, severance pay, etc., are defined as supplemental wages according to the IRS. But this doesn’t mean you cannot optimize your bonus tax rates in order to minimize your tax burdens.

In this comprehensive guide to bonus taxation, we talk all about bonuses, including why they’re such a good tool for boosting employee morale and improving retention rates, the different types of bonuses and how you can calculate them accurately, and the best strategies for optimizing your own tax rates.

Understanding Bonuses

Let’s start from the beginning: What exactly are bonuses (legally speaking), and should all companies give them to their employees if their budget allows for them?

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), bonuses are considered supplemental wages, meaning they’re payments made to employees that go beyond their regular salary or wages. They play a crucial role – some might even say a key role – in motivating employees, boosting morale, and driving productivity.

They can be used to encourage positive behavior, show appreciation for hard work, retain top talent as well as attract top talent. So yes, every company with a budget for bonuses should give them to their employees on occasion.

Having said that, different types of bonuses serve different purposes, and it’s important that you, as an employer, understand these differences as you want to tailor your bonuses to your organization’s unique needs. Here are some of them.

Incentive Bonuses

Incentive bonuses are used for rewarding employees for achieving specific goals or milestones. For example, a sales team may receive a commission-based bonus for exceeding quarterly targets, while a production team may earn bonuses for meeting production quotas. This type of bonus is great not only for recognizing individual and team accomplishments but also for fostering a culture of excellence within the organization.

Holiday Bonuses

Holiday bonuses, also known as year-end bonuses or Christmas bonuses, are typically given to employees as a way of showing appreciation during festive seasons. These bonuses can be given to individual employees or, more commonly, to the entire organization. They’re good for boosting employee morale and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Performance Bonuses

As the name suggests, performance bonuses are tied to either individual or team performance metrics, which can be anything from sales targets to customer satisfaction ratings. These bonuses are a fantastic way to incentivize employees to excel in their roles and boost organizational commitment. They can be structured in different ways, including one-time lump-sum payments, profit-sharing arrangements, or merit-based salary increases.

Retention Bonuses

If you’re looking for ways to increase employee loyalty and improve your retention rates, consider offering retention bonuses to key employees as an incentive to stay for a specified period. These bonuses are particularly useful for industries with high turnover rates or when a company is transitioning through significant organizational changes, such as mergers or acquisitions. With retention bonuses, you can ensure that you retain your top talent and maintain continuity in your operations.

How Are Bonuses Taxed

When it comes to taxing bonuses, there are two primary methods you should know about: the aggregate and the percentage method.

Aggregate Approach

Under the aggregate approach, bonuses are combined with regular wages and taxed at the employee’s marginal tax rate. This means that the bonus amount is added to the employee’s total income for the year, which may potentially push them into a higher tax bracket.

While simple to implement, this method may result in higher tax liabilities for both the employer and the employee.


  • Simple to implement and understand,
  • Aligns with existing payroll systems,
  • Provides employees with a clear understanding of their total compensation.


  • May result in higher tax liabilities for employees,
  • Can complicate tax planning and forecasting,
  • Increases administrative burden for employers.

Percentage Approach

The percentage method, on the other hand, treats bonuses as a separate income category subject to a flat tax rate. Employers withhold a predetermined percentage of the bonus amount, which is currently 22% on the first $1M, simplifying tax calculations.

For bonuses over this threshold, a 37% rate applies. While predictable, this approach may result in under or over withholding, leading to potential tax discrepancies.


  • Offers predictability and consistency in tax withholding,
  • Simplifies tax calculations for both employers and employees,
  • Reduces the risk of under or over-withholding.


  • May not accurately reflect individual tax situations,
  • Could lead to discrepancies in tax treatment among employees,
  • Requires careful monitoring to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Calculating bonus taxes can seem quite complicated but thankfully, there are numerous online tools that can simplify the process. We’re big fans of OnPay’s bonus tax rate calculator as it’s easy to use, and can help you determine the appropriate withholding amount based on the chosen tax approach and the employee’s tax filing status.

Tools such as this one (feel free to explore other options as well) help streamline the process and reduce the risk of errors and compliance issues.

Strategies for Optimizing Bonus Tax Rates

Communicate Transparently

First, when it comes to your employees, provide them with clear and comprehensive information about bonus structures, tax implications, and potential tax planning opportunities. We also recommend educating them about the differences between the aggregate and percentage approaches to bonus taxation so they can make informed financial decisions for themselves.

Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts

To reduce taxable income and lower overall tax liabilities, encourage employees to maximize contributions to tax-advantaged accounts. This includes 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and health savings accounts (HSAs). 

Time Your Bonus Payments Right

Timing bonus payments strategically can be another good way to optimize tax outcomes for both your employees and your company. You could consider spreading bonuses over several pay periods or delaying payments until the next tax year to minimize tax liabilities. This way, you can help your employees maximize their net earnings while staying compliant with tax regulations.

Seek Professional Guidance

Finally, the best way to develop customized tax strategies tailored to your business and employees’ needs is through following expert advice.

Tax advisors, financial experts, and other legal professionals can offer valuable insights into tax planning opportunities, regulatory requirements, and compliance considerations.


While navigating the legal landscape of bonuses and taxes can be tricky, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with both if you wish to reward your employees while minimizing your tax burdens. Since this is a complex process, it’s best to be proactive about the whole thing: take time to understand the different types of bonuses and methods of taxation, and consult with tax professionals to develop effective strategies for minimizing tax burdens for both your company and your employees.

Bonuses can be a powerful tool for boosting employee satisfaction and incentivizing performance, but it’s essential to approach them with care and foresight to avoid potential issues down the line.

Featured image by Frugal Flyer on Unsplash

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