Returning to Work After a Lengthy Interruption?

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter


Suggestions for people returning to the workforce after a sizable gap whether they were at home raising a child, dealing with an ill parent or returning from service in the military.

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Are you someone is going to attempt to return to the workforce after a sizable gap in time? Perhaps you have been home raising kids or you been serving in the military or taking care of an ill parent. Whatever the reason may be, as you know, it is often complicated for people to return to work. So, I have a couple of ideas for how to go about doing a search.

The first thing is get out of the house and start talking to people. Tell them that you’re looking for work and the kind of work that you do. Understand that you’re going to talk to a lot of people and a lot of them won’t give you any sort of help. That’s normal and customary for that to occur. It’s awful. You kiss a lot of frogs. You talk to a lot of people. Nothing happens. And you are going to wind up with dividends galore, and a lot of people who are going to be very discouraging to you. Make sure you have support in place to help you.

One of the fun things about the process is that if you talk to people that you worked with a long time ago, you are kind of frozen in place in their mind. They remember all the good stuff about you from back when. If you didn’t do a good job, they’ll remember the best stuff, too. So, recognize that a lot of the old contacts that you had in your work life, they just remember you from back that then.

One of the things that I want to encourage you to do is involves a great suggestion I heard recently. That is the notion of looking for internships, ideally paid internships for reentry professionals. The idea that of taking the internship is making sure that you get your skills up to date and demonstrating that you can do the job involvement. Obviously, if you can’t perform, you’ll washout and no one is going to offer you a job back and.

Looking for internships is a great way for you or someone who’s been in the military, home raising kids and has a gap because you did a wonderful deed of taking care of your parent, becomes a way that you can get your skills up to speed, show that you can do the job, get a little bit a compensation, but, more importantly it’s an entryway in getting to a job.  It’s much better than interviewing in that you’re willing to put it on the line.

I want to encourage you to work like a maniac during this time to show them that they made the right choice because at the backend of this, you have an opportunity to get a new job, be hired for new job and land on your feet.

Again, looking for reentry internships becomes the ticket back into the workforce.

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes.

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