Is It Ok to Play a Prank on This April Fools’ Day – MiddleMe

April Fool’s Day is coming up! Are you ready with your tricks and other fun things to do for this special day? If you plan to celebrate this unique day, you may want to pause and consider where you will do your tricks to celebrate.

If you are planning to do it in the office, you will be surprised to know that workplace pranks are quite common. They are a great way to reduce stress and help the entire team unwind, especially after a busy work week. However, while this may be the case, there have been cases where workplace pranks have gone so bad that they violated the company’s policies and caused safety concerns.

If you want to avoid being held liable for your workplace prank this April Fool’s Day, here are some do’s and don’ts you should take into account:

Pick An Appropriate Prank

There are many types of pranks that you can play in the workplace, but not all of them are safe or proper. When planning your prank, make sure it will not insult anyone’s religious, political, or social beliefs. It must also appeal to everyone because some jokes may not be easy to pick up for some people.

Check The Current Policies For Employees

You should also read the employee conduct code to see what the company defines as horseplay or inappropriate behaviour. If you want further clarification, speak to your HR or company manager. Some companies may not tolerate horseplay in the workplace, and you may face a fine.

If you are the team leader, make it a point to discuss these policies with your employees, especially if they are new to the team. If no policies are available, you can work with the team to create one and provide the proper training so everyone can react immediately if the prank is getting too far.

Make Sure Your Prank Doesn’t Make A Mess

Although it may look fun if the office is turned upside down because of your prank, it may not be well-received by all. After your prank, you will need to go back to work. So, when picking a prank, make sure it doesn’t cause a huge mess or will only require little effort to clean.

If you use props for your prank, double-check that they will not cause your office’s alarms to go off. You can also ask your security team about your plans so they can tell you if your props will not be permitted in the facility.

Get The Team Involved

Whether you plan to do your prank on April Fool’s Day or on a random day, getting the entire team involved will make it more exciting for all. You will also find it easier to pull off the prank if you have many people involved; cleaning up after would be faster with more people helping out.

Having extra people involved in your plans can also help you tweak your prank or extend it if you plan to make it a team event. They can also tell you if the prank will cause problems in terms of their targets’ beliefs, which you want to avoid.

Be Rough And Mean

Pranks are meant to be harmless and done for fun. Just to perform a prank should not cause you to be rough with your colleagues. The event is also not a license for you to be mean to them. When performing a prank, don’t harm your colleagues or even destroy their possessions for the sake of the prank.

If you are found guilty of being rough or mean to your colleagues during your April Fool’s Day prank or any prank you may do, you may have to pay compensation. Some companies may enforce suspensions or fines if the prank violates the employee code.

If your company has no policy regarding pranks or other “inappropriate behaviour,” ask your managers about it. If you believe your prank was not “rough” or “mean” in any way, call for a thorough investigation. If you are found guilty, you must follow the rules and pay accordingly.

Keep Others Away From Work

Even if it is fun to mess with the office for the prank, the team may have problems if they cannot do their work after the prank. Remember, your prank should not prevent others from completing their work!

If you accidentally prevent them from working, make sure to help them in any way you can. If nothing can be done, take responsibility when you report the issue to your superiors. The same can also be said if you accidentally damage office property.

Do An All-Day Prank

It is best not to plan an all-day prank, especially if you and your team have serious deadlines. You should also avoid planning the prank on evaluation day or when a high-profile guest will be visiting your facility. If people get caught up in the prank by accident, they may doubt the company’s credibility.

It doesn’t have to be done on April Fool’s Day if you genuinely want it to be an all-day affair. Plan it for the weekend or after a big project. You can also plan months, so you know everyone involved can plan and create plans for unplanned events or visits.

It is not a bad thing to throw a prank at work, especially on a day like April Fool’s Day. But, before you do so, make sure you time it right and make the necessary arrangements. It is still a work day, so get back to work after your prank! Have fun!

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