I Moved to Switzerland in 2009. Here’s Why We’re So Darn Happy

The Surprising Way You Can Lower Employee Stress — Evil HR Lady

While the flag may not be the best thing about living in Switzerland, it is a big plus.

Sorry. It’s just always the first thing that comes to mind when considering what makes Switzerland awesome.

I’m not the only one who thinks it’s (mostly) a great place to live. The World Happiness Report just came out and ranked Switzerland ninth out of 140 countries. The United States is 23rd. While you probably can’t just pack up and move here, you can make some changes to your personal life and business to replicate Switzerland’s success.

To keep reading, click here: I Moved to Switzerland in 2009. Here’s Why We’re So Darn Happy

The post I Moved to Switzerland in 2009. Here’s Why We’re So Darn Happy appeared first on Evil HR Lady.

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