6-Figure Income Video Course for Resume Writers + Coaches

Master’s Video Course *FREE* for Resume Writers & Career Coaches Looking to Close 3- to 4-Figure Sales for a 6-Figure Stress-Free Income.

Career Directors International became my brain child in 2005.

I’d spent the prior decade+ answering questions from other resume writers I met at industry conferences on how I:

  • Could close all levels and types of clients with 4-figure sales starting in the mid-90’s
  • Won resume writing awards and their value
  • Had so many resumes published in books
  • Landed 5-figure corporate and government transition contracts
  • Hit the ground running with that new thing called “career coaching”.

Since then I’ve helped hundreds of resume writers and career coaches from all over the world to build successful businesses, free up their time to focus on what they love, find their ideal clients, and make 6-figures-plus without burning out.

In fact, my very first private client is currently grossing $800K annually.

Did you even know that was possible for resume writing and job seeker career services? 

Too often, resume writers and career coaches are getting in their own way with beliefs and processes that actually cause their business to fall short of it’s awesome potential.

And that potential IS awesome!

Helping job seekers successfully land their next position puts career professionals smack dab in a recession-proof industry where you can make an incredible living while making a major difference to those you serve.

Talk about an industry with a heart and a total win-win!

Think about how many times a client has told you:

“You saved my life”… “You saved my marriage”, …”I’m trusting you with my last $1500″… “You saved my home”.

But to do that and also come out a winner yourself, not working nights, weekends, in your room at conferences, you’ve got to know how to position, pitch, sell, and close.

I’m an introvert so those words don’t appeal to me at all.

Even if I wasn’t an introvert, selling conjures up images of car lots and insurance agents.

That’s why I love so much what I do.

To close the high-dollar sales in career services truly has nothing to do with selling.

Let’s say that again.

To close the high-dollar sales in career services has NOTHING. TO DO. WITH. SELLING.

It’s all about an educational process I call edu-fearacating.

When you build edu-fearacating into an easy, foundational consultation process, it will be (as two of my private clients have now said),

“Like you are giving away gold and your clients can’t get their credit cards out fast enough to give you”. 

So it’s not so much a matter of mastering a HUGE process as it is to understanding the key tweaks to what you are doing and how they can powerfully shift your success.

With that in mind, I’ve created a series of short 3-10 minute tip videos that let resume writers and career coaches like you pick and choose the topic that you need to get into your groove.

Put all the videos together, and you have a master’s class that helps you:

  • Capitalize on a 3-step process that moves job seekers from the perception of it’s either a cheap DIY or an expensive luxury to recognizing your service is a MUST-HAVE at any price.
  • Make clients feel the package you suggest is instinctively the “just right” fit, even if they came in only needing a bandaid.
  • Overcome your own self-talk that has held you back from claiming and quoting the rates you deserve or is stopping you from recommending complete packages. Better yet, getting to “yes” with those offers.
  • Understand when and how to talk price to keep the prospect engaged and action-oriented.
  • Utilize simple wording and processes to re-engage a prospect who has to think about it.
  • Build the right packages for positioning your offerings to ensure both you and your clients have a win-win outcome.
  • Obliterate your weaknesses with an easy up-front analysis so you always put your best foot forward when prospects ask the unnerving questions.
  • Learn how to get clients to provide service feedback that will pre-close prospects on your website or LinkedIn profile like nothing else you’ve ever tried.
  • Convert the lurkers on your email list into buyers without discounting prices.

And so on!

It’s remarkably easy to get out of your own way when you have a simple process to follow.

Consider what Cathy Lanzalaco of InspireCareers.com said about this process:

Working with Laura has transformed my sales process. Through use of her methodology I’m now closing sales at slightly more than double my former prices. Her wisdom and guidance also allowed me to begin experiencing sales breakthroughs with a particularly challenging population and even better, let me take a 2-week vacation while still having the largest revenue month of the year. I am excited about what success 2020 will bring!

So, if you are ready to get a taste of that success, check out some of the videos I’m sharing with you:

Stop Giving Away Your Expertise for Free

Are you tired of selling your service, such as resume writing or interview coaching, and then ending up giving away valuable information and time on the back end? It’s time to stop that cycle and start packaging and profiting from your knowledge.

Watch it now >>

Bust the DIY Resume Writing Myth to Close More & Higher Sales

There IS a secret sauce to successfully and repeatedly closing 3- to 4-figure professional resume writing packages with clients of ALL levels.

Watch it now >>

Successfully Navigate “How much does a resume cost?” to Close More Sales

Most resume writers have a love-hate relationship with “how much does it cost?” Here’s an 8-minute strategy to turn this around and close more sales.

Watch it now >>

New Year, New Rates! Your Business Deserves a Price Increase

Far too often entrepreneurs and small businesses just go along with their pricing structure. But with a new year it’s the perfect time to evaluate your services for a price increase. Regardless of when you watch this, it’s a good idea to review your rates at least once a year for a price increase.

Watch it now >>

Make Money While You Sleep With a Membership Site

Tired of not having enough hours and having to give up on enjoying your life to hit your revenue goals? Then it’s time for some passive revenue! A membership service is an easy offering to add to your package, help your clients, and make money while you sleep!

Watch it now >>

Convert More Website Visitors With an Initial Free Offer

You’re out there every day working hard to funnel traffic to your website. But what if prospects aren’t ready to buy? If you’re not grabbing their email address with an initial free offer, you might lose them forever. In this 5-minute video, I share how to capture those leads and what to do with them to nurture them into future sales — on auto pilot.

Watch it now >>

Is Your Perception Lowering Your Career Business Profits?

This 9-minute video tip can be more than a stand-alone and will provide you much better ROI to a 94-97% close rate & 6-figure-plus income if you read the corresponding blog post.

Watch it now >>

What to Do When Your Prospect Needs to Think About It

It happens to all of us: You have a great consultation and pitch, and then your prospect has to think about it. In this 5-minute video I will share my 4 key strategies for stopping the waiting game and moving the needle to YES.

Watch it now >>

Packaging Sweet Spot for Resume Writers & Career Coaches

Here’s my 5-min video blog post on your packaging sweet spot. It makes sense to increase client success with complete solutions (vs band aids), reduces risk of dissatisfaction (as there is no single “magic bullet”), keeps you from scrambling to find more clients, and increases your per-client revenue.

Award-winning resume writer, Cliff Flamer commented:

Hey, all, heed the wise words of our superhero goddess. Laura, suggested I bundle my services to boost deal size. It has totally worked. Actually, I haven’t bundled yet, but I added a recommendation engine to the checkout process and I’m surprised to see just how many clients (80%) are ordering Cover Letters, LinkedIn Profiles, and Resume Distribution. I guess the whole “you want fries with that?” thing works.”

Watch it now >>

What You Focus on IS What You Will Sell

Here’s a 3-minute video to help you avoid common mistakes that lead to lower level sales while shorting your clients the success solutions they need.

Watch it now >>

Stop Selling What Your Clients Ask For

Check out this 4-minute video on how to stop selling clients what they ask for and start selling them on what they need.

Watch it now >>

SWOT Analyze Yourself to Close Career & Resume Sales

A little SWOT analysis before your client consults can give you the power to win more sales. Prospects are interviewing you and there is no 2nd place! Here are tips to put a marketing spin on real/perceived weaknesses.

Watch it now >>

One Easy Way to Dramatically Improve Cold Conversions When Prospects Call

When you answer a prospect cold call are you able to immediately engage and convert to consultations? In this 3-minute video I share one easy tweak that can make a big difference.

Watch it now >>

Six Steps to Build a 6-Figure Business as a Resume Writer or Career Coach

Here’s the six best ways to create a 6-figure income as a resume writer and/or career coach in an 8-minute video!

Watch it now >>

Easily Get Your Passive Email List to Buy Resume Writing & Career Coaching Services

Imagine getting passive prospects off your marketing list and eager to buy your services now. In this 4-minute video I share one incredibly easy way to turn those lurkers into big sales.

Watch it now >> 

How to Share Price Quotes that Close Resume Writing & Coaching Sales

Want to close more packages with prospects but what you’ve tried brings low results? In this <6 minute video, you’ll learn an easy process to close more.

Watch it now >>

Use Show & Tell to Up Close Rates on Resume Writing & Career Service Sales

Here’s a 7-minute video (with subtitles) on using show & tell to up your close rate on resume and career service sales.

Watch it now >>

Easily Get Testimonials that Close Sales on Your Website

Are your testimonials turning your prospects into excited, pre-sold buyers? If not, you are likely collecting their stories at the wrong point. In this 7-minute video I share a winning strategy that will get your clients eagerly tracking their job search and providing you with high-ROI result stories.

Watch it now >>

Newsletters are Dead — Do This Instead to Fill Your Pipeline with Resume Writing & Career Service Clients

The newsletter is dead but you can still leverage your client and prospect lists for a steady revenue stream. In this 8-minute video I share what’s working & strategy to make it work for you.

Watch it now >>

It’s Process Not Price that Closes Career Service and Resume Writing Sales

Do you ever find yourself second guessing your pricing, considering offering lower-priced options, or simply have a website that silos services and doesn’t present complete solutions? Here’s a 4-minute tip video to get you thinking: It’s truly process that closes sales!

Watch it now >>

Want More Videos?

There are several other helpful short videos on time management, goal attainment, mindset, burnout, and resume writing in our blog. To get access, be sure to visit our Career Superhero Corner blog and subscribe.

Ready to Be the Next 6-Figure-Plus Resume Writer and/or Career Coach? CDI Association Registration closes 12/15/2023!

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